Android 冰激凌 4.0 CM9 r BUILD4
发布日期: 2012-03-06 00:00
UI类型: Android原生 作者: 很乖、很小寶
包类型: 卡刷包
大小: 110.28MB
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Teamhacksung has been porting ICS (to be CM9) for the Galaxy S and we feel that it has reached a state where it would benefit from public testing. However this is still a very early versions and there will be bugs.?Bug reports are allowed in this thread only.??The most minor bugs are welcomed (we'd love to know them, but we may not fix them instantly).这个没啥好翻译的。CM大家都知道。大概意思是出了新版了。将是CM9的蓝本。BUG比较多。欢迎大家测试,报告。Please check the known issues section before reporting a bug.
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